Saturday, April 16, 2011

Crafty crafty! Weddings! Roommate!

So, I guess I've reached the age in life where ALL of my friends are getting married. Like, for shizzle, my roommate Jinni has counted nearly twenty (TWENTY!!) couples that are now engaged, and lord knows there are several more knots to be tied on the horizon. As happy as I am for all my lovely, happy, blissful friends, I can't help but think of all of the plane tickets, dresses, and wedding gifts I am now stuck buying for them. I love you guys, but I work in theatre; I is poor. :)

Jinni, a creative crafting connoisseur and my awesome roommate, has found the perfect way to work around one of those pesky wedding obligations-- she makes the wedding gifts instead of buying them.

Our dear friends Mark and Dina are getting married this July, and Jinni, as her gift to them, is making all of the bridal bouquets and the guys lapels. And I don't mean she's buying fake flowers and throwing them together into tastefully designed bunches; the bouquets are tasteful, but she is making most of the flowers by hand. Those roses up there? Made of ribbon, hand wound by the roommate. Yup, that's right, they are kind of awesome.

And there are more:
Made out of the pages of a Midsummer Night's Dream script.

Ok, so these are the premade fakey flowers, but they look pretty damn cool next to the others...

Aren't they AH-FREAKING-MAZING?!? I think the book flowers are my favorite.  I tried to help her make these once (translation: I watched her make them one day and decided I should never try to help for fear I'd ruin them...), and they're pretty tricky to make. Jinni has a knack for picking some pretty tough projects that end up looking BEAUTIFUL. You should see her jewelry (for those of you in KC, check out the Queens Rocket store in Blo Salon. She's got some of her work there!); it's just as awesome!

I'll try to finagle a photo once she is done putting the bouquets together. If any of you are going to Mark and Dina's wedding, be sure to check them out! And tell Jinni how much you love them!!

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